Ultimate Guide to Studying and Passing CBT Exams in Nigeria

Are you looking forward to taking a Computer-Based Test (CBT) or exam? This article provides you with the best tips on how to study and pass any CBT.

Computer-Based Tests are becoming very common these days. Many schools, examination bodies, and organizations use them instead of the traditional Paper Pencil Test (PPT). Computer Based Tests are automated and can mark and grade a large number of students within a short time. Its convenience has led many organizations and schools to adopt it. Schools like ABU, UNIMAID, and GSU use CBT for their 100-level tests exams and Post UTME. The well known examination body JAMB UTME is CBT based.

Whether you are planning to take JAMB, POST UTME, or your school’s CBT-based test or exam, this article will provide you with a guide and tips on how to effectively perform well in your CBT exams.

Tips and Guide to Study and Pass CBT Exams

Understand How the CBT exams works.

Before sitting for any CBT exam, it’s important to get yourself familiar with how the system works. CBT exams, such as JAMB and Post UTME, require students to answer questions displayed on a computer screen. Theres a time set for the exam, and once your time is up, the system automatically submits your answers.

How to get use to the CBT Format

  • Practice with CBT Apps: Many online platforms and apps offer JAMB, Post UTME, and other CBT mock exams. These practice platforms help you understand the exact format of the real exam, giving you an idea of how the navigation works, how to select answers, and how to move from one question to another. The more you practice, the more confident you will feel on exam day, JAMB usually conduct a mock exams to help candidates get use to using the computer and also how the questions looks like, if you’ve never taken any CBT exams. The Mock exams will give you clue of what to expect. 
  • Get Familiar with the timer: Unlike paper based tests, where you can see a clock or getting reminded by the invigilator about the exams, CBT exams have an automatic timer on the screen. Get comfortable with seeing the timer while focusing on the questions.

Study the Right Materials

Your success in CBT exams depends largely on how well you study the required materials. Each exam, like JAMB or Post UTME, has a syllabus that outlines the subjects and topics you need to cover. Focus on these key areas during your study.

Study tips:

  • Follow the syllabus:JAMB and other exams have a structured syllabus, make sure you study only what is required. This will help you avoid wasting time on unnecessary topics. In case the CBT exam you are taking doesn’t have a specific syllabus, ask those who have taking the exam before to give you clue on what kind of questions is set in that exams.
  • Use past questions: Past questions are an invaluable resource. Many CBT exams recycle questions, so practicing past questions gives you an edge. It also helps you understand the pattern of questions and how they are structured.
  • Study smart: Instead of cramming, understand the concepts or idea behind the questions. For example, if you’re preparing for JAMB, focus on understanding the core subjects like English, Mathematics, and your chosen elective subjects. Use study guides, textbooks, and online resources to get a better understanding.

Learn How to Manage Time

Time management is one of the most important skills you need to have to help you in passing any CBT exams. With a strict time limit, you need to be able to answer questions quickly without sacrificing accuracy.

Time management strategies

  • Set a time limit for each question: In exams like JAMB, each subject has a set number of questions, and you are given a specific time to answer them. If you have 50 questions and 60 minutes, you should aim to spend not more than a minute per question. Practicing with past questions and CBT apps will help you develop this speed.
  • Start with the easy questions: In every exam, some questions will be easier than others. Answer those first to build your confidence and save time for the harder ones. If you encounter a difficult question, flag it and return to it later if you have time.
  • Use practice tests: Regularly take timed practice tests to simulate exam conditions. This will help you get used to working under pressure and finishing on time.

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Avoid Random Guessing

In CBT exams like JAMB, there may be a penalty for wrong answers, so random guessing might harm your overall score. Instead, apply careful reasoning and eliminate clearly wrong answers to improve your chances of guessing correctly.

Smart guessing techniques

  • Eliminate wrong options: In multiple choice questions, use the process of elimination to narrow down your options. If you can eliminate two out of four options, you have a 50% chance of getting the correct answer even if you’re unsure
  • Skip difficult questions: If a question seems too hard or time consuming, skip it and return to it later. Wasting too much time on one question can prevent you from answering easier questions that follow.

Stay Calm and Focused During the Exam

It’s natural to feel nervous during exams, but staying calm is key to performing well. Anxiety can cloud your thinking, leading to unnecessary mistakes. Keeping your mind clear and focused will allow you to recall what you’ve studied and make better decisions.

Tips to stay calm

  • Take deep breaths: If you feel overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down. This will help clear your mind and refocus your attention on the task at hand.
  • Focus on one question at a time: Don’t let difficult questions throw you off. Focus on answering one question at a time and avoid overthinking.
  • Have confidence in your preparation: Remind yourself that you have studied and practiced. This confidence will help you remain calm during the exam.

Use CBT Tools and Shortcuts

CBT platforms often come with tools that can make your experience easier. For instance, JAMB and Post UTME CBT exams may allow you to flag questions or skip to the next one. Using these features wisely can improve your performance.

How to use CBT tools effectively

  • Skip difficult questions: If you are unsure of a question, you can pass it and come back to it later. This helps you to avoid wasting too much time on difficult questions and ensures you answer all the easier ones first.
  • Utilize clues within the exam: Some questions may contain information that helps answer other questions. Keep an eye out for these clues as you work through the test.

Visit exam centre early and Check your system before starting

On exam day make sure you arrive at the centre early, while in the exam hall check your equipment and ensure everything is in working order before the exam begins. Most CBT exams are held at dedicated centers where the computers and systems are provided, but it’s your responsibility to ensure your assigned system works properly, if something isn’t working correctly raise your hand and call the attention of those in charge. Don’t be afraid to talk.

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Prepare Yourself Physically and Mentally

Preparation for any exam goes beyond studying. Your physical and mental state also plays a big role in your performance.

Health tips

  • Get enough rest: Sleeping is important before your exam day. A well rested mind is sharper and more focused. Avoid staying up all night studying; instead, aim to sleep for at least 7-8 before your exams.
  • Eat a light meal: Take a healthy, balanced food before the exam to fuel your body and brain. Avoid heavy or greasy food that may make you weak or have running stomach during the test


Doing well in a CBT exam is all about good preparation and managing your time well. Make sure you understand how the CBT system works and practice with apps to get familiar with the questions and situation. Study the right materials, focus on key topics, and use past questions to help you prepare. During the exam, manage your time by answering easy questions first and don’t spend too much time on tough ones.

Avoid random guessing try to eliminate wrong answers to improve your chances. Stay calm by taking deep breaths and focusing on one question at a time. Before the exam, make sure you’re well-rested, eat something light, and check that your computer is working properly. With these tips, you’ll be ready to pass your CBT exam.

If you have further tips on how to study and pass CBT exams. Kindly drop it in the comments section below

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